Why I’m standing aside – again!

When I stood aside in the by-election in November 2016, caused by Zac Goldsmith resigning over Heathrow, little did I know I would do the same again just six months later, or indeed three years later. And for the same reason – Brexit!

The last three-and-a-half-years since the advisory referendum on leaving the EU has trained a magnifying glass on the state of our country. The poor quality of our political leaders, the deadlock in parliament over the best way forward, the sheer amount of money wasted trying to make Brexit work and the complete lack of proper governing since June 2016 has left many of us in despair.

Recently, I re-read my reasons for standing aside in November 2016; and I could just as easily be writing them today. However, one thing has changed, the Liberal Democrats and Plaid Cymru have listened to my plea: “I call on other parties across the country to follow our example and create progressive alliances across the country so that the day after the next General Election we don’t wake up still in Tory Land.”

Plus, while the situation at a national level is stuck in groundhog day, at a local level our negotiations with the Lib Dems resulted in four Green Councillors being elected in May 2018. Since then we have successfully pushed Richmond Council to declare a Climate Emergency, bring in a borough-wide 20mph speed limit and become an accredited London Living Wage payer. Greens make a difference.

This is why I believe in progressive alliances, as I wrote here, but it took the Conservatives winning again in 2017 for other parties to come to the table for this General Election. Under the Unite to Remain banner, the leaders of the Greens, Lib Dems and Plaid Cymru have negotiated an agreement in 60 constituencies. In these seats local parties are standing aside to give voters just one ‘Remain’ candidate to mark their cross next to. 

Finally, the other parties have recognised the power of collaboration and made the sacrifices necessary to try and ensure a ‘Remain’ majority is elected on 12 December that will put an end to Brexit. I’m also hoping this electoral agreement will result in more Green MPs elected and that after Brexit is consigned to history, (never to be spoken of again), this progressive parliament will urgently tackle the climate emergency, invest in public services and bring in Proportional Representation.

I can but dream. Yet it is this dream that forces me to align our party with the Lib Dems, when many people still blame them for propping up the Conservative government of 2010-2015. But, I also recall the bonfire of environmental protections and investment that happened when Cameron no longer relied on Lib Dem support in government. Further, my experience of working with them on Richmond Council tells me that many of them are not mere ‘yellow Tories’. A Conservative government bent on a hard Brexit has to be stopped. I make no apologies for trying to make this a reality. 

Lastly, given the Brexit Party announcement that they will not stand in 317 seats to enable Conservative candidates to win more easily, I am even more convinced that my decision – voted for by Richmond, Twickenham and Kingston Green Party members – to stand aside in Richmond Park is the right one. I believe that people across the country are inspired by the parties cooperating in Unite To Remain to address the crises facing our country.People's vote image


My Journey to Liberal Judaism

Having a surname like mine I couldn’t help but wonder about it from an early age. Thus, I grew up in the knowledge that Frieze is a shortened version of Frieszenski (a spelling no one has ever confirmed) and that my paternal great, great grandparents appeared in Leeds in 1870 giving Russia as their birthplace. The family story was, they were Russian- Polish Jews who came to England for a better a life. This was all we knew, and pretty much all we have ever been able to find out.

I didn’t meet my grandparents until I was nine, when we went back to Australia for the first- time since emigrating to London in 1970. My grandfather, Grieg Frieze, called himself a ‘yiddisha kopf’ and had lots of Jewish sayings, but beyond that our family were secular and/or atheist. His mother was originally Irish Catholic, his wife was of English extraction, while my mum’s family was an English/Scottish/German mix.

Why my surname and my Jewish ancestors made more of an impact on me as a child than my other family members I don’t know, but they did. It particularly influenced my choice of reading material as I was often drawn to books about WW2 and the Holocaust. But, actually investigating Judaism as a faith was not something I thought of doing.

But, then, I met my husband. In India. As you do, when you’re travelling after Uni, or in his case, the army. For Shimon is Israeli. We settled in the UK in October 1993, after travelling together overland from Israel (via Cyprus as the ferry was still running then) through Turkey, Eastern Europe and Germany. We visited some of the concentration camps, yet, while I felt despair at the crimes wreaked upon the Jews and others, and relief that my paternal grandfather’s family had left when they did, I was not motivated to become Jewish. Indeed, when we had our civil wedding in November 1993, and later our marriage blessing in May 1999 (officiated by Rabbi Danny Rich), I told Shimon that I could not convert, as I had nothing to convert from, being an atheist. And, he has never asked me to.

This was despite promising Rabbi Danny that we would bring our children up in the Jewish faith (which we have, more on that later), attending evening classes in Hebrew for most of the mid-to-late 90s and visiting Israel pretty much every year since our marriage was blessed. (We even had a wedding party in Israel in 2000 to celebrate with Shimon’s extended family.)

It was around this time I started wearing a Star of David necklace. I was bridesmaid at a friend’s wedding and her thank-you gift was a Tiffany Cross. I absolutely could not bring myself to wear it, so with her permission, I bought myself a Star of David and gave my new-born niece the Cross as a christening present. I’ve pretty much worn it every day since. One thing I learnt from all the weddings we attended, most of them Christian, is that I much prefer Liberal Jewish ceremonies, as they are about the couple and not about marriage being a declaration of love for God (and the Church).

To cut a long story short, it wasn’t until September 2012 that our family joined Kingston Liberal Synagogue, mainly so our sons could attend Beiteinu to prepare for their Bar Mitzvahs. It had taken me some years to persuade Shimon to join KLS, although we did celebrate Passover, Rosh HaShanah and Hanukkah at home (albeit irregularly). As a secular Jew growing up in Israel, he did not see the need for joining a synagogue as all the festivals and rites of passage were automatically Jewish. Yet, when we did start going, the sense of relief was palpable: ‘Finally,’ he said, ‘I don’t have to explain myself to people.’

At this point we pretty much threw ourself in KLS life, attending services many Saturdays, joining in for High Days and Holy Days, hosting Shabbats at Home and sending our boys on LJY weekends and camps. We now count among the KLS community a number of close friends, many of whom joined us in Jerusalem in August 2017 when we held our younger son’s Bar Mitzvah there, officiated by Rabbi Charley Baginsky.

I cannot talk about my Jewish Journey without mentioning Rabbi Charley. When I first started attending services at KLS I felt like a fish out of water, unaware of prayers, services and nomenclature. Yet, as time went on my rusty Hebrew improved and familiarity brought understanding of the Amidah, Shema and Kaddish. At the same time I discovered that Rabbi Charley could take a Torah portion and reference 11th-century rabbis, 18th-century philosophers, 1960s folk singers and her children, all in one 20-minute exposition to make her sermons relevant and meaningful.

Through these sermons, the many Bar/Bat Mitzvahs I attended and my own reading Ilearnt that Liberal Judaism espouses many of the views I hold dear, especially regarding equality for all, protection of the environment and social action. Parashot Emor (Leviticus 19:9-11) speaks to me about social justice: “When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap all the way to the edges of your field, or gather the gleanings of your harvest. You shall not pick your vineyard bare, or gather the fallen fruit of your vineyard; you shall leave them for the poor and the stranger: I the LORD am your God. You shall not steal; you shall not deal deceitfully or falsely with one another.”

I am also drawn to and inspired by the philosophy that the Jewish way of life is everlasting through the action of good deeds. Boruch Cohen has summed it up better than I can: “The doing of good deeds is compared to planting a seed. When a seed is planted, it disintegrates in the ground, losing its puny identity to the nourishing soil and creative potential of mother earth. A seedling sprouts, which will one day grow into a tall tree. In time, the tree will bear fruit, and seeds, which themselves might become an orchard, and ultimately, a vast forest. Likewise, a good deed takes root and sprouts in a nourishing eternity of good deeds and Jewish values. These deeds and values give life to ourselves and our offspring, that we too might one day grow into tall fruitful trees; that our fruits might one day become orchards. That’s why the Torah is called the ‘Tree of Life’.”

More emotively, going to the regular family services (with Tammy Rich singing) was an exercise in trying not to cry. The music for the prayers touched me in a way I was not expecting, nor can I fully explain. Maybe it’s Tammy’s voice, maybe it’s the harmonies, maybe it reaches an ancestral chord in my soul. Whatever it is, it’s too powerful to me to ignore.

Helping my two sons become Bar Mitzvah have been moments of special pride as a mother. Seeing them do so in their own very individual ways taught me so much about their specific characters and made me appreciate how this ceremony helps teenagers grow and develop an understanding of Judaism and themselves. It’s a very unique experience, and brought us together as a family, particularly our wider family in Israel, as Guy and Natan each did their Bar Mitzvah twice – once in KLS and once in Jerusalem.

But, why now, have I decided to convert? I could keep going as I am – being ‘Jewish enough’, but it is no longer enough. Partly, it’s as a fellow convert told me, when I asked her why she converted, “Because I’m tired of saying my family’s Jewish, but I’m not, when in fact I take part in everything they do.” Partly, it’s my sons who tell me “You’re not part of the family because you’re not Jewish.” Partly, it’s because Shimon and I plan to retire to Israel. Partly, it’s because KLS plays such a big role in my life that it feels false not to.

Ultimately, it’s because I feel Jewish. I want to be Jewish because of the sense of community it gives me, because of the tradition it comes from, because its moral teachings fit with my own. Because it feels like it’s meant to be.

I’m 50 at the end of the year, and I’d like to be honest with myself. I thought about doing a DNA test to see how ‘Jewish’ I am; and I realised that while I would be disappointed if my paternal Grandfather’s genes didn’t run strongly through my own, it wouldn’t affect my decision. I don’t need to be Jewish by blood or by genetics, I am Jewish by choice, because of everything in my life that has led to me this point. I would like to spend my next 50 years – if I’m blessed with long life – being ‘properly Jewish’.

Kids, actually

This is why good cycling infrastructure is so essential to getting people out of cars and on to bikes.

Subversive Suburbanite

I’m relatively new to Twitter, and most of my tweets get (and deserve) very little attention. I’m happy if I get a handful of likes, and retweets are unexpected. But a couple of my recent tweets have gone out of control.

This one was retweeted over 240 times:

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Richmond Council’s air quality plan

LBRuT is consulting on its plans to tackle air pollution in the borough – you can give your response here, although the multiple choice style makes it difficult to respond meaningfully. The deadline is Monday 30 October.

This is what I put in the ‘any further comments’ box:

Introducing 20mph across the whole borough.

Introducing more cycle lanes and infastructure.

More measureable aims than outlined in the plan.

More planting of trees and shrubs to absorb air pollution.

A clear plan showing how the council aims to cut the traffic by 73% on George Street, Richmond.

Trial of car-free days.

Introducing more expensive parking charges for the most polluting vehicles.

A swift, actionable move for all fleet vehicles to be electric rater than the wooly statement that you’ve made.

Working with all retailers acoss the borough to get them to adopt a ‘close the door’ policy to stop heat escaping.

Get all taxis to switch off engines when stopped outside stations, and buses when they’re on George Street.

No chopping down of mature trees.

Remove the car parking at the Twickenham Riverside development to prioritise public space and people instead.

Introduce bicycle hire at Richmond station to destination hubs eg Ham, which has poor pubic transport connections (during peak hours).

Introduce rush-hour direct, electric mini-buses between Richmond and Ham to stop residents using cars to get to the station.

Bring in electric mini-buses between Richmond station and Richmond Park at weekends to reduce traffic to/from the park.

Support Richmond & Bushy Parks bring in car parking charges to deter people parking in car parks while they’re at work (Kingston Hospital) and to reduce traffic at weekend.

Find ways to reward people who cycle/walk/take public transport into retail centres with discounts, rather than offering free parking as incentives.

Remove the proposed underground parking for the redevelopment at Ham Close and use it for more housing instead.

Demonstrate clearly how much money the council plans to spend on improving walking/cycling in the borough.

At the moment, this plan does not meet the Mayor’s plans for healthy streets, nor does it propose any modal shifts.

Carry out a feasibility study for a walking/cycling bridge between Ham and Twickenham to improve connectivity and reduce congestion on Richmond bridge and the Petersham Road.


Another Antisemitic Voice

Thought I’d share this as it highlights some of the issues faced by those who are both Jewish and progressive/socialist.

Half Chips/Half Rice

I am often asked about antisemitism on the Right when I am discussing the current trend of Left antisemitism. Isn’t there just as much if you look hard enough? Antisemitism is transitory. It exists all over the political spectrum, it ebbs and flows, currently it has found a home on the left.

For the doubters I would recommend examining the way Jewish matters are discussed in alternative left-wing media outlets. Take Mike Sivier, the author of Vox Political, one of the many pro-Corbyn blogs that sprung up or surged in popularity to compensate for Corbyn’s slaying at the hands of the mainstream media (MSM).

(Every time I type the letters MSM a little part of me dies)

In April Sivier announced that he was standing for Labour at the local elections. Sivier had written scores of articles defending Ken Livingstone. In fact he had penned pieces in defence of every…

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Yoghurt and juice. Mum, Alzheimer’s and me.

Not all my usual fare, but as many of my friends are now going through similar experiences, I thought this might touch a chord.

Pin Prick

Hannah lies flickering in the half light, much as she has done for the last two years. It isn’t as painful now but I rarely leave without having first had a good sob somewhere, just out of sight of the door, in case one of the carers comes in. She flickers on and off and fades in and out. Sometimes she might say a name of an old acquaintance or a friend or an old worry. Sometimes her foggy eyes alight on me and she says: “Oh darling, thank you” and then promptly falls asleep. I sit by her buzzing bed, with Classic FM playing in the background and read her stuff; bits from the Herts Mercury, lines of poetry, things that lie dotted about the house. I no longer expect a response and in its own way it’s rather peaceful watching her lying there – breathing in and out…

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